The Lillian Weber School PS 84M
32 West 92nd Street ~ New York, NY 10025 ~ (212) 799-2534
Dr. Evelyn J. Lolis, Principal
Ms. Mary A. Acosta, Assistant Principal Mr. Lester Acevedo, Assistant Principal
School Leadership Team
Meeting Agenda – January 19, 2021
Members Present: Joshua Raskin, Emily Hernandez, Alisha Zucker, Peter Snyder,Yasmin
Jones,Carly Kleinjan, Katie Sheehan, Julien Pellaux, Yesenia Paredes, Aifra Ruiz, Dr. Evelyn Lolis, Beatrice Cano, Charlene Etori, Neil Fitzgerald, Lester Acevedo
I. Call to Order
II. Greetings
III. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes - Approved
IV. Reports:
● Principal’s Report
○ Covid Cases Update
■ Asynchronous Learning
● Assignments are being placed on Google Classroom for all
students who have to quarantine.
● Information regarding Lexia and DreamBox has been sent to
all families.
■ Lexia - Reading Program
● Individualized for each student.
● Students can use it at home daily.
■ DreamBox - Math Program
● Received feedback that parents are happy about using
dreambox because of previous experience with the program.
● Both Lexia and DreamBox provide teachers with lessons for
small group instruction according to students' strengths and
● Teachers are looking at data from both programs.
○ Mid-year Assessments have begun
■ Acadience
■ We are monitoring progress.
■ Working to close the achievement gap.
○ Promotion in Doubt Process is beginning
■ Teachers are notifying parents of students who are well below
grade level.
■ Teachers are partnering with parents to monitor students’ progress.
● PTA Report
○ The library is open and students are excited.
○ Gala and Auction
■ Volunteers are needed for both events.
■ Ideas will be shared on what can be donated by staff members and
○ Parents have concerns regarding communication and activities being
provided by the after school program (see after school report).
● After School Report
○ Participating families have contact information and he welcomes
○ Please advise families to communicate with the after school program as
they are willing to work with all families and welcome the opportunity to
resolve any issues.
○ Families can walk up the ramp and ask to speak to Neil.
○ Pricing
■ Prices did not go up, however options have changed.
■ Study time or homework help was the lower option before.
■ Families who qualify for financial aid are receiving enrichment
classes as well.
○ After school is also being affected by Covid
■ Limited staff
● We are interviewing people every day.
● Licensed under the department of health with mandated
student to children ratio. These numbers are being met.
● Offering of different/additional classes requires more staffing.
● Vaccinated restrictions are also factors with staffing.
■ Recruitment is ongoing
■ Teachers are being trained
○ Communication
■ Newsletters have been sent the last few weeks and will continue to
be sent.
■ Newsletters can also be sent through the Weekly ROAR that the
PTA sends.
V. Discussion of Unfinished Business Agenda Items
● Check in on next steps from last meeting
○ PS 84 website: Adding programs as separate choices on application
■ Place directions on how to apply or list the programs on the DOE
■ Student Council members have expressed interest in creating tour
videos - This can fall under school pride.
■ Can the PTA add information on the website?
● Yes, meeting dates and calendar can be added to the website.
○ Kindergarten tours posted on PS 84 website.
■ Video of the tours can be requested on the website and will be sent to
families requesting them.
■ We want families to reach out to us and have live interactions.
○ Enrollment outreach flier update
■ Fliers are already created and will be shared.
○ Pre-K Families whose native language is Spanish
■ 7 families in our program
■ List will be shared for follow-up
● CEP Goals
○ SEF - Supportive Environment Framework
○ Goal - Practices related to personal attention and support will
improve 2.4%, from 77.6-80%, as measured by positive PS84 SEF
survey, resulting in improved Collaborative and Trusting
■ 120 third and fourth graders were surveyed in November
■ Questions were created by staff and DOE.
■ SEF team members have studied and analyzed the answers.
■ Answers are anonymous. Staff will support all classes.
■ This is a part of the Strong Resilient School Initiative as well
as our social emotions learning and connectivity.
■ Questions regarding respect for different cultures align with
our equity goal.
■ This is important to monitor because children learn best in a
healthy and reinforcing environment.
VI. Discussion of New Business Agenda
● Budget Review
● Black History Month: How do we celebrate it?
○ Black history is woven throughout the school year.
○ Teachers engaged in professional development on culturally responsive
■ Book: Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and
Historically Responsive Literacy.
■ Identity building is most important.
■ Looking at lived experiences, not just one perspective.
■ Sense of belonging
○ Daily morning announcements will be made highlighting Black History
VII. Creation of Agenda for the Next Meeting
a. Takeaways
b. Next steps
VIII. Adjournment