The Lillian Weber School PS 84M
32 West 92nd Street ~ New York, NY 10025 ~ (212) 799-2534
Dr. Evelyn J. Lolis, Principal
Ms. Mary A. Acosta, Assistant Principal Mr. Lester Acevedo, Assistant Principal
School Leadership Team
Meeting Agenda – November 17, 2021
In Person: Room 230
Members Present: Neil Fitzgerald, Katie Sheehan, Yesenia Paredes, Aifra Ruiz, Charlene
Etori, Alisha Zucker, Emily Hernandez, Josh Raskin, Dr. Evelyn Lolis, Salima Djaoudi, Carly
Kleinjan, Peter Snyder, Yasmin Jones
I. Call to Order / Introductions
II. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
● Previous minutes approved
III. Reports:
● Principal’s Report
○ Federal Stimulus Funding regarding our budget
■ All schools to be held harmless for enrollment attrition
■ Money will not be taken out of our budget if we are not at full
■ More families are applying to our school
○ Special Education Recovery Intervention Program begins today
■ Academic Recovery Services: SPED population that experienced
various challenges last year. 1 adult for each group of 6 students. 2
students with a teacher 2 with a para
■ Begins today 2 priority groups
■ 1st group 30 students
■ 2nd group 30 student
■ 3rd group will begin
■ 11 classrooms on the 2nd floor
○ Kindergarten Tours to begin Dec 3 via Zoom through February
■ Begin virtually on 12/3- February (weekly on Thursdays for about 10
weeks). Will be filmed throughout the school to highlight
classrooms/specialty classes (filmed and edited) while Dr. Lolis and
Lester speak live. One tour will be for “in house parents,” and partner
■ Priority groups:
■ Zoned students, siblings, pre-k alumni, native speakers, special ed.
■ 6 Kindergarten tours
■ 3 Pre-K tours
■ 1 3-K tour
○ Concerns over sharing student data with third party vendors
■ The DOE was very concerned about this issue from the start and
set out to ensure student privacy. Savvas is heavily restricted from
sharing Data. This is part of the DOE contract.
■ Savvas cannot access the Google classrooms. The link of data is
with the teacher to Realize (DOE).
■ Teachers control the link and therefore the DOE.
■ Savvas is not allowed to look at data beyond the "school-level"
reports (District/School/Class(teacher)/Student data are collected
and viewed by the teacher and administration. Savvas cannot see
beyond the school-level data reports).
■ Savvas is fed the data of students via the DOE - STARS. The data
goes into Realize (That's DOE). They are not allowed to utilize the
data under any circumstance. Savvas is not allowed to change
passwords, usernames, or anything else.
■ Realize can also be accessed via TeachHub by the children using
their DOE credentials. That avoids Google.
● PTA Report
○ A Major focus of the PTA is getting some Committees formed and finding
parents to chair them.
○ Trying to bring the library back again.
■ Follow up with when the library is going to be open.
■ What kind of support does the librarian need?
● After School Report
Reports Next Steps:
IV. Discussion of Unfinished Business Agenda Items
● Review Mission Statement
○ PS 84 Mission Statement:
The Lillian Weber School strives to provide equity and access for all
learners. We give our students the necessary tools to develop critical
thinking skills, a strong work ethic, and the sense of responsibility that are
crucial to creativity and independence in their quest for learning. PS 84
offers students a deep and complex understanding of the world, and
teaches them to be respectful and curious of diverse cultures and the
planet we share.
Next Steps: We will table the discussion until all members are
V. Discussion of New Business Agenda
● DESSA update - SEL Lead Teacher to present
○ 40 Questions - Teacher explained the questions and the data that was
○ Intervention plans will be used based on the data that is collected
○ Intervention plans are included for all content areas
○ How do we
○ Who are the individual students and/or which items are needed to be
addressed school wide
○ 3 tiers - universal -School Wide needs, small group or class wide
○ Does not impact academic grading nor is it a diagnostic tool.
○ 4 week cycles, 1 and 2 assessing students by December 4th - 3
implement interventions and 4 monitor progress.
○ SEL will be presented at the Principal Cafe.
● CSMA Update with next steps:
○ We want to bridge the gap between what parents/students think the
CSMA program is and what exactly the CSMA program is.
○ Sharing information about the CSMA - One page informational sheet
○ CSMA teacher (Technology Teacher) is implementing a new curriculum
that supports CSMA and its goals.
○ A member reached out to Catch a Fire for support and was offered to get
on a waitlist because they are full at this moment.
○ CSMA Teachers are using the curriculum in the classroom
○ CSMA is a fairly new program.
○ Next Step: Placing slides on JPEG., Technology Teacher will complete her
informational page and then a meeting will be held.
● How to diversify enrollment for all 3 programs at all grade levels:
○ This will be done in a Sub-Committee
● Present about CEP goals and iPlan
○ Principal described the process in which CEP goals are created
○ Growth goals, not comparative
○ Math goal is by June 2022
○ ELA are using TC running records
○ Progress monitoring will happen twice a year.
○ Members have access to iplan to view CEP Goals
VI. Creation of Agenda for the Next Meeting
a. Takeaways
b. Next steps
● How do we resolve miscommunication
● CEP Goals progress monitoring
VII. Adjournment